113 research outputs found

    Propose Customer Development Framework for Cloud-Based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Start-up

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    IT role in business has been enabling faster analysis and more reliable decision making and it has been the backbone for industry’s competitive factor. However, full scale ERP software are still too costly for small and medium enterprises. Company X wanted to build the disruptive integrated Business Process Management software that could be accepted by wide range of business. Putting great efforts on product development prior to launching, the founders had not probed the problems from the customer’s point of view. This research approached the Company’s problem with customer learning and discovery from Customer Development Model. The approach includes testing the hypotheses of the customer – problem – solution fit, and product – market fit by interviewing several businesses, with the Javelin Validation Board (Lean Startup Machine) was used to help the iteration of validation process. The result of the hypotheses validation includes: narrowing customer target segment, splitting the features to several modules to be sold separately, and adding customer support team. Company X needs to narrow the customer target segment to be small and medium scale enterprises which had not settled with complex system and just about to gain more control over their operations

    Business Model Innovation towards Competitive Advantage: Case Study in Indonesian Cosmetics and Herbal Health Companies

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    The dynamic changes in business environment make competition among company more tightly in the global market. This situation makes each company prepared innovation strategies to win global market competition. This research examined innovation strategies in two biggest cosmetic and herbal health companies in Indonesia. The author used case study with exploratory approach to find out how company developing innovation strategies and what factors that influence company in formulating those strategies. The author used canvas business modelling for analysis data. Data collection used secondary data which gained through the company profile and literatures review. This result indicates that innovation in value proposition, customer segments and key partners has become solution in helping cosmetic and herbal health industry strives to survive and be ready to face global business challenges

    Experience Marketing Influence on Customer Loyality in Dapur Iga Restaurants

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    Dapur Iga is one of restaurant which locate in Bandung, today it going to become franchise business. Dapur Iga restaurant provide some variety food specialty grilled ribs with many kind of sauce. Dapur Iga locate in Jl.Veteran No.42 with western concept. Sales per day are decrease so that the writer want to make a research in this restaurant. The writer objectives to see is there any influence of experience marketing on customer loyalty in Dapur Iga restaurant and how much the influence if they have. Experience marketing is one tool of marketing which make the customer who has bought the product or service which touching their heart so that their remind it and make them tell their nearest people. Customer loyalty is a result that customer satisfied with the product that they bought which make them buy again or recommend to others. Customer satisfaction is added variable because customer satisfaction has relation with customer loyalty. Data collection in this study is using a questionnaire distributed to Dapur Iga consumers as the population with 200 samples. Writer use Microsoft Excel, SPSS 17.00, and SPSS 20.00 to process the data and analysis with Path  Analysis. After process the data, researcher gets conclusion that experience marketing has significantly effect to customer loyalty in Dapur Iga with individually affects 42.8% and simultaneously 56%. Dapur Iga need to improve their interaction with customer because that factor is dominant to influence in this case. Key-Words: Experience Marketing, Customer Satisfaction & Customer Loyalt

    Formulation of Simpangdago.com Website Development Plan Using Multidimensional Approach for Web Evaluation

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    The rapid growth of the Internet in Indonesia is creating rapid growth in e-commerce industry. In 2011, internet users are 68,5 million or around 25% of Indonesian population. In general, the average transaction per online users in Indonesia has reached US68,3/yearorUS 68,3/year or US 5,69/month. Based on average transaction per user, Indonesian e-commerce industry predicted to continue to grow in line with growth of Indonesian internet users.  Simpangdago.com created to be a part of rapid growth in Indonesia e-commerce factor. Using corporate strategy analysis, it can be identified that they need product development as corporate strategy. Development strategy is formulated using multidimensional approach for web evaluation based on web user satisfaction. Method that implemented in web user satisfaction is questionnaire survey. Target respondent, which is majority young people, is filled some question which constructed to identify satisfaction level. Result from survey is analyzed using multidimensional approach that consists of usability testing and user feedback. A main goal from analysis is identify innovation areas of opportunity to increase user satisfaction and create competitive values of company. Final result of this study is set of recommendation that should be implemented by Simpangdago.com to improve company performance. Recommendation consists of web concept formulation and web features formulation that needed to modify in web system. Keywords: corporate strategy, web user satisfaction, muldimensional approach, usability testing, user feedback

    Business-Level Strategy Analysis and Planning Case: "Ducreme" Startup Company

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    Abstract - The first year of startup business operated is a crucial year where the business success rate is low. The success of a startup business is determined by business-level strategy that can be implemented to existing market condition and market competition. Food and beverage business in Bandung is very competitive, so startup company need the right strategy in order to survive in this competitive market. Ducreme is a startup company that was established in February 2015. The Ducreme's vision is to create acceptable innovative food and beverage products to satisfy customers so that it can enter the national retail market in the future. The main product of Ducreme is milk tea with six variant flavors.This research is made to analyze the startup business-level strategy, and the results of the strategy's implementation to the performance of business startup for the first year its operates. Ducreme choose to implement differentiation strategy due to its strength to create innovative product. In general, Ducreme can grow in food and beverage market that is already competitive and its products can be accepted by customers. The results of this analysis showed that the startup company's sales performance is very depended on the distributor. The positive impact of the cooperation with the distributor is a broader marketing area coverage to reach more customers. The negative impact of this dependence is the decline in sales when there are problems happen to distributor so they can’t perform in sales. Culinary exhibition also gives a significant impact on sales because of greater margin obtained due to price mark-up.After analyze and make conclusions on the Ducreme performance, the author make recomendation of business and functional-level strategy plan for the second year based on the results of the performance analysis in the first year by considering company internal condition. This strategy is expected to increase Ducreme performance in order to face competitive market.In 2016, Ducreme choose to implement focused differentiation strategy in order to maximize their strength in already competitive market. Ducreme wants to develop new product in sachet package ready to brewed. This product will be targeted to B2B customers. The market size of this product is not large enough compared to the mass market that has been taken by the product in bottle package, but it is more profitable market in terms of quantity and sales turnover if Ducreme could established cooperation with the B2B customer.For the existing bottled-product recommendations; (1) Ducreme should participate in more culinary event to gain more profit and to increase brand awareness, (2) Ducreme should try another marketing methods so that do not rely only on existing channels. This recommendation to avoid decreasing in sales due to reseller/distributor problem, (3) Ducreme should increase the number of channel distribution to increase more sales, (4) Ducreme should optimize its social media because it has not been fully utilized to increase brand awareness, and (5) Ducreme should try to increase brand awareness by using the selebgram endorse.For the planned sachet product recommendations; (1) Ducreme should develop a product that is acceptable to B2B market segment. This should consider quality and price level acceptance of customers, (2) Ducreme should create a list of potential B2B prospects that are ready to be product sampled before product launched to the market, (3) Feedback generated is used to develop products to fit with the majority of the target market’s preference, and (4) Ducreme should spread product proposals and product samples to the target market, and follow up who interested to products.Keywords: Business-level Strategy, Functional-level Strategy, Business Performance, Startup BusinessÂ

    Fostering innovation through Industry 4.0 technologies in emerging countries: An explorative multiple case study of Indonesian Internet-of-Things (IoT)-based start-ups

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    The Industry 4.0 phenomenon is truly remarkable in the industry’s redesign and the transformation of different facets of human life. This trend has also been put on several nations’ national agenda, both emerging and developed, to improve competition in the global business arena. For Indonesia, this phenomenon offers a chance to reshape Indonesia’s manufacturing industry and become another way to boost Indonesia’s goal of being the 10th world’s largest economy. One of the technologies that play a significant role in this phenomenon is Internet-of-Things (IoT) that could boost small businesses’ performance through developing its innovation ecosystem. This research seeks to propose continuous innovation pathways through case studies of functional IoT in Indonesian start-ups. To this end, we use an exploratory research methodology and in-depth interviews to identify IoT and case studies’ fundamental innovation capabilities to explore the process of connecting these attributes to innovation. It results in five factors as main findings to influence the innovation performance: financial resources, government role, perception for supporting small businesses, hybrid research and development, and business model innovation. We also derive the implication of IoT for businesses and the government to support their innovation

    Experience Marketing Influence on Customer Loyality in Dapur Iga Restaurants

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    Dapur Iga is one of restaurant which locate in Bandung, today it going to become franchise business. Dapur Iga restaurant provide some variety food specialty grilled ribs with many kind of sauce. Dapur Iga locate in Jl.Veteran No.42 with western concept. Sales per day are decrease so that the writer want to make a research in this restaurant. The writer objectives to see is there any influence of experience marketing on customer loyalty in Dapur Iga restaurant and how much the influence if they have. Experience marketing is one tool of marketing which make the customer who has bought the product or service which touching their heart so that their remind it and make them tell their nearest people. Customer loyalty is a result that customer satisfied with the product that they bought which make them buy again or recommend to others. Customer satisfaction is added variable because customer satisfaction has relation with customer loyalty. Data collection in this study is using a questionnaire distributed to Dapur Iga consumers as the population with 200 samples. Writer use Microsoft Excel, SPSS 17.00, and SPSS 20.00 to process the data and analysis with Path  Analysis. After process the data, researcher gets conclusion that experience marketing has significantly effect to customer loyalty in Dapur Iga with individually affects 42.8% and simultaneously 56%. Dapur Iga need to improve their interaction with customer because that factor is dominant to influence in this case. Key-Words: Experience Marketing, Customer Satisfaction & Customer Loyalt

    Functional Strategy Comparison Between Startup and Established Companies on 'Konveksi' and 'Sablon' Business in Bandung

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    Abstract - ‘Konveksi’ and ‘Sablon’ services is one of the types of businesses that grow and spread in Bandung city. Popularity on this business primarily due to two things. First, because the products produced by this industry, namely clothing is one of the basic human needs, so the market for this business will always exist. Second, this business became popular because the entry barrier to start the business is not too big. Most of these companies have similar business strategy and provide same kind of services. With big potential market and potential profits, many businessman now want to starts this business. Because of that, the competition in this kind of business increase more rapidly in Bandung. Against the competition, those companies need to use better functional strategy. Functional strategy helps smaller businesses to evaluate the effects of plans and goals specific to the industry they operate within. This paper is made to determine how the application of functional strategy in ‘konveksi’ and ‘sablon’ business in order to survive in the competition and develop their business in Bandung. Comparison also will be made to determine the similarities and differences of functional strategy between startup (less than 5 years) and established company (more than 5 years). After determine the research problem and research questions, exploratory research is used to gain a deeper understanding of the issue or situation. In this research the exploratory research are relies on literature review, observations, and in-depth interview. Purposive and snowball sampling is used to determine the key informants of this research. The result from comparisons shown that in general, startup and established company have same opportunity and face same threat in the industry. Therefore, established company have more advantages (strength) compare to startup company. Comparison about the functional strategy also shown that there are 9 similarities and 6 differences strategy. For the similarities, most of these companies have undifferentiated (mass market) target market, used cost based pricing, provide almost same variant products, mostly made periodic financial report, mostly divided profits into several posts, mostly already have rules or SOPs, mostly chose to loyal at specific supplier, performed maintenance periodically, and most employees being paid based on project. For the differences, some startup companies advance in technology (using website and BBM broadcasting message) for their promotion while established companies mostly depends on conventional marketing via word of mouth. Second, most of startup companies have financial problem for developing their business, while the established companies have no financial problem for their improvement. Third, most of startup companies have small production capacity due to their limited resources, while most of the established companies have large production capacity. Most of startup recruit skilled and experienced people for their employees, while most of established companies chose to recruit people with less / have no skill and have no experience in the industry then trained them. Most of startup companies have employees less than 10 people, while most established companies have more than 10 employees. Then, startup companies usually still have lack on internal control that make turnover employees happened many times, while the established companies have employees with high loyalty.  For recommendations, all owner of ‘konveksi’ and ‘sablon’ business in Bandung should pay more attention on the functional strategy application, think about some innovations, and follow the advances in technology to stand in the competition. Then, always try to understand the potential market and calculate the potential customers to build the right size of the company. Keywords: Functional Strategy Comparison, ‘Konveksi’ and ‘Sablon’ Business, Start Up and Established CompaniesÂ

    Technology Commercialisation in a Developing Country: Current Condition and Its Challenge in Indonesia

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    Innovation is considered the main engine of economic growth in both developed and developing countries. Despite the important role of innovation, little has been understood about technology transfer becoming a commercial success in developing countries, especially in the Indonesian context. The purpose of this paper is to identify technology commercialisation activities in Indonesia. Based on secondary data sources, an analysis of the current state regarding the issue is constructed. The findings in this paper suggest that technology commercialisation in Indonesia is initiated at the levels of university, government research institution, and corporate. This study provides insights for policy makers, business leaders, and university administrators into the appropriate roles of institutions and organisations in promoting and assisting technology commercialisation activities of their respective inventors.Key words: Technology commercialisation, developing country, university, government research institution, corporat

    Business-Level Strategy Analysis and Planning Case: "Ducreme" Startup Company

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    Abstract - The first year of startup business operated is a crucial year where the business success rate is low. The success of a startup business is determined by business-level strategy that can be implemented to existing market condition and market competition. Food and beverage business in Bandung is very competitive, so startup company need the right strategy in order to survive in this competitive market. Ducreme is a startup company that was established in February 2015. The Ducreme's vision is to create acceptable innovative food and beverage products to satisfy customers so that it can enter the national retail market in the future. The main product of Ducreme is milk tea with six variant flavors.This research is made to analyze the startup business-level strategy, and the results of the strategy's implementation to the performance of business startup for the first year its operates. Ducreme choose to implement differentiation strategy due to its strength to create innovative product. In general, Ducreme can grow in food and beverage market that is already competitive and its products can be accepted by customers. The results of this analysis showed that the startup company's sales performance is very depended on the distributor. The positive impact of the cooperation with the distributor is a broader marketing area coverage to reach more customers. The negative impact of this dependence is the decline in sales when there are problems happen to distributor so they can’t perform in sales. Culinary exhibition also gives a significant impact on sales because of greater margin obtained due to price mark-up.After analyze and make conclusions on the Ducreme performance, the author make recomendation of business and functional-level strategy plan for the second year based on the results of the performance analysis in the first year by considering company internal condition. This strategy is expected to increase Ducreme performance in order to face competitive market.In 2016, Ducreme choose to implement focused differentiation strategy in order to maximize their strength in already competitive market. Ducreme wants to develop new product in sachet package ready to brewed. This product will be targeted to B2B customers. The market size of this product is not large enough compared to the mass market that has been taken by the product in bottle package, but it is more profitable market in terms of quantity and sales turnover if Ducreme could established cooperation with the B2B customer.For the existing bottled-product recommendations; (1) Ducreme should participate in more culinary event to gain more profit and to increase brand awareness, (2) Ducreme should try another marketing methods so that do not rely only on existing channels. This recommendation to avoid decreasing in sales due to reseller/distributor problem, (3) Ducreme should increase the number of channel distribution to increase more sales, (4) Ducreme should optimize its social media because it has not been fully utilized to increase brand awareness, and (5) Ducreme should try to increase brand awareness by using the selebgram endorse.For the planned sachet product recommendations; (1) Ducreme should develop a product that is acceptable to B2B market segment. This should consider quality and price level acceptance of customers, (2) Ducreme should create a list of potential B2B prospects that are ready to be product sampled before product launched to the market, (3) Feedback generated is used to develop products to fit with the majority of the target market’s preference, and (4) Ducreme should spread product proposals and product samples to the target market, and follow up who interested to products.Keywords: Business-level Strategy, Functional-level Strategy, Business Performance, Startup BusinessÂ
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